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MERCK默克 当量浓缩标准溶液

品牌:MERCK 默克

易于操作,方便使用重视实验室储存及使用安全:只有Titrisol®同时具有危险警告标记。危险警告说明及包装和每个安瓿管上的Risk & Safely指示浓度符合DIN标准(DIN32625)--准确的浓度意味着可靠的结果配合数显温度计检测环境温度:确保滴定精确长有效期保证了长期的可靠性节省空间;可直接储放在工作台上可灵活改变其原有浓度:通过变化最终体积或Titrisol®安瓿管数量可制备相应的浓度可灵活选择溶剂;Titrisol®安瓿管加上一个合适的溶剂可制备无水当量溶液缓冲溶液更加方便使用:所有的Titrisol®缓冲液都标有相应温度(0-90℃)对应的PH值及缓冲液的成份滴定是实验室最常见的化学成分分析方法,滴定不同组分通常需要相应的当量溶液,而制备标定这些当量溶液的过程既费时又费力。如今, MERCK推出已配制好的高品质当量溶液,滴定度偏差小于1.000±0.1%,而且批与批之间参数稳定。共有62种品种,包装从100毫升到25毫升不等。

Order N.O.
Product Name 名称
1.02277.1000 1L Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate solution c(NH4)2 Ce(N 硝酸铈铵0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09079.1000 1L Ammonium thiocyanate solution c(NH4SCN) = 0,1 mol/ 硫酸氰铵0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09086.1000 1L Barium perchlorate solution in 2-propanol/water (8 高氯酸钡0,005 mol/l
1.09092.1000 1L Cerium(IV) sulfate solution c(Ce(SO4)2·4 H2O) = 0 硫酸铈 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.02784.1000 1L Copper sulfate solution c(CuSO4)=0,1 mol/l 硫酸铜0,1 mol/l
1.05217.0500 500ML Copper di-ammonium Titriplex(r) solution Cu(NH4) EDTA二铵铜0,1 mol/l
1.09164.1000 1L Hanus solution for determination of iodine number 哈纳斯溶液 c(IBr) = 0,1 mol/l
1.15480.1000 1L Hyamine(r) 1622-solution for the determination of 季铵盐1622溶液 0.004 mol/l
1.09060.1000 1.09060.5000 1L 5L Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) 盐酸0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.13134.9010 10L Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 3,571 mol/l (1/0,28 N) 盐酸3,571 mol/l (1/0,28 N)
1.09058.1000 1L Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 0,5 mol/l (0,5 N) 盐酸0,5 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.09063.1000 1L Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 2 mol/l (2 N) 盐酸2 mol/l (2 N)
1.13136.9010 10L Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 0,357 mol/l (1/2,8 N) 盐酸0,357 mol/l (1/2,8 N)
1.09057.1000 1.09057.5000 1L 5L Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 1 mol/l (1 N) 盐酸 1 mol/l (1 N)
1.00326.1000 1L Hydrochloric acid in 2-propanol c(HCl) = 0,1 mol 盐酸0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) (异丙醇基质)
1.09099.1000 1L Iodine solution c(I2) = 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N) 碘溶液 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09098.1000 1L Iodine solution c(I2) = 0,5 mol/l (1 N) 碘溶液 0,5 mol/l (1 N)
1.09143.1000 1L Mercury(II) nitrate solution c(Hg(NO3)2) = 0,05 硝酸汞0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.04476.1000 1L Mercury(II) sulfate 80 g/l in potassium dichromate 硫酸汞80 g/l (重铬酸钾0.02 mol/l基质)
1.01508.1000 1L Mercury(II) sulfate 20 g/l in sulfuric-acid potass 硫酸汞20 g/l (重铬酸钾0.005 mol/l基质)
1.00630.1000 1L Nitric acid 10 mol/l 硝酸10 mol/l
1.09065.1000 1L Perchloric acid in anhydrous acetic acid / for ti 高氯酸 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) (无水乙酸基质)
1.04817.0250 250ML Potassium chloride solution 3 mol/l 氯化钾3 mol/l
1.04818.0100 100ML Potassium chloride solution saturated with silver 氯化钾氯化银饱和溶液 3mol/l
1.09118.1000 1L Potassium dichromate solution c(K2Cr2O7) = 1/24 重铬酸钾 1/24 mol/l (0,25N)
1.09119.1000 1L Potassium dichromate solution for determination of 重铬酸钾 0,020 mol/l
1.04875.1000 1L Potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution (buffer 磷酸二氢钾1/15 mol/l
1.09112.1000 1L Potassium hydroxide solution c(KOH) = 0,1 mol/l (0 氢氧化钾0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.11586.5000 5L Potassium hydroxide solution c(KOH) = 0,5 mol/l ( 氢氧化钾0,5 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.09108.1000 1L Potassium hydroxide solution c(KOH) = 1 mol/l (1 氢氧化钾1 mol/l (1 N)
1.09115.1000 1L Potassium hydroxide solution in ethanol c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾0,1 mol/l (0,1N) (乙醇基质)
1.09114.1000 1L Potassium hydroxide solution in ethanol c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾0,5 mol/l (0,5 N) (乙醇基质)
1.05544.1000 1L Potassium hydroxide solution in isopropanol c(KOH) 氢氧化钾0,1 mol/l (0,1N) (异丙醇基质)
1.09351.1000 2.5L Potassium hydroxide solution in methanol c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾0,5 mol/l (0,5 N) (甲醇基质)
1.11787.2500 2.5L Potassium hydroxide solution in methanol c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾2 mol/l (2 N) (甲醇基质)
1.11587.2500 1L Potassium hydroxide solution in methanol c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) (甲醇基质)
1.09107.1000 1L Potassium hydroxide solution (max. 0,00004 % Ca) 氢氧化钾1 mol/l (1N) (<0.00004%钙)
1.09122.1000 1L Potassium permanganate solution standardised agai 高锰酸钾 0,02 mol/l (0,1 N) (草酸钠标定)
1.09121.1000 1L Potassium permanganate solution standardised agai 高锰酸钾 0,02 mol/l (0,1 N) (硫代硫酸钠标定)
1.11718.1000 1L Silver nitrate solution c(AgNO3) = 0,05 mol/l (0 硝酸银0,05 mol/l (0,05 N)
1.09081.1000 1L Silver nitrate solution c(AgNO3) = 0,1 mol/l (0,1 硝酸银0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09080.1000 1L Silver nitrate solution c(AgNO3) = 1 mol/l (1 N) 硝酸银1 mol/l (1 N)
1.06277.1000 1L Sodium arsenite solution c(NaAsO2) = 0,05 mol/l ( 亚砷酸钠0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.06587.1000 1L di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate solution (buffer sto 磷酸氢二钠1/15 mol/l
1.05595.1000 1L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,33 mol/l ( 氢氧化钠0,33 mol/l (1/3 N)
1.05599.9010 10L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,357 mol/l ( 氢氧化钠 0,357 mol/l (1/2,8 N)
1.09141.1000 1.09141.5000 1L 5L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,1 mol/l (0, 氢氧化钠 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09139.1000 1L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,25 mol/l (0 氢氧化钠 0,25 mol/l (0,25 N)
1.09140.1000 1L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,2 mol/l (0, 氢氧化钠 0,2 mol/l (0,2 N)
1.09142.0500 500ML Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,02 mol/l (0 氢氧化钠 0,02 mol/l (0,02 N)
1.09137.1000 1L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 1 mol/l (1 N) 氢氧化钠 1mol/l (1 N)
1.09136.1000 1L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 2 mol/l (2 N) 氢氧化钠 2 mol/l (2 N)
1.09138.1000 1L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 0,5 mol/l (0, 氢氧化钠 0,5 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.11584.5000 5L Sodium hydroxide solution c(NaOH) = 4 mol/l (4 N) 氢氧化钠 4 mol/l (4 N)
1.09147.1000 1L Sodium thiosulfate solution c(Na2S2O3 · 5 H2O) = 硫代硫酸钠 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09074.1000 1L Sulfuric acid c(H2SO4) = 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N) 硫酸0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09073.1000 1L Sulfuric acid c(H2SO4) = 0,25 mol/l (0,5 N) 硫酸0,25 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.09072.1000 1L Sulfuric acid c(H2SO4) = 0,5 mol/l (1 N) 硫酸0,5 mol/l (1 N)
1.09162.1000 1L Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide solution in 2-pr 氢氧化四丁铵 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) (异丙醇/甲醇基质)
1.08124.0250 250ML Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution in 2-propan 氢氧化四甲铵 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) (异丙醇/甲醇基质)
1.08431.1000 1L Titriplex(r) III solution c(Na2-EDTA · 2 H2O) = 0 EDTA二钠 0,1 mol/l
1.08447.1000 1L Titriplex(r) IV solution c (DCTA Na2) = 0,1 mol/l DCTA二钠0,1 mol/l
1.08450.1000 1L Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in anhydrous acetic 三氟甲磺酸0,1 mol/l (无水乙酸基质)
1.09163.1000 1L Wijs solution c(ICl) = 0,1 mol/l 威杰斯-氯化碘溶液0,1 mol/l
1.08879.1000 1L Zinc sulfate solution c (ZnSO4) = 0,1 mol/l 硫酸锌0,1 mol/l
1.09944.0001 1set Acetic acid for 1000 ml c(CH3COOH) = 0,1 mol/l (0 乙酸 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09951.0001 1set Acetic acid for 500 ml c(CH3COOH) = 1 mol/l (1 N 乙酸 1 mol/l (1 N)
1.09864.0001 1set Ammonium iron(II) sulfate solution for 250 ml c[(N 硫酸亚铁铵 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09900.0001 1set Ammonium thiocyanate solution for 1000 ml c(NH4SC 硫氰酸铵 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09962.0001 1set Barium chloride solution for 1 l c(BaCl2) = 0,0 氯化钡 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09905.0001 1set Bromide bromate solution for 1000 ml c(Br2) = 0, 溴酸溴 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09970.0001 1set Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml c(HCl) = 1 mol/l 盐酸 1 mol/l (1 N)
1.09971.0001 1set Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml c(HCl) = 0,5 mol/l 盐酸 0,5 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.09973.0001 1set Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml c(HCl) = 0,1 mol/ 盐酸 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09974.0025 1set Hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml c(HCl) = 0,01 mol/l 盐酸 0,01 mol/l (0,01 N)或 5 mol/l (5 N)
1.09911.0001 1set Hydrochloric acid 1.000 L c(HCl) = 5 mol/l (5 N) f 盐酸5 mol/l (5 N)
1.09914.0001 1set Iodide iodate solution for 1000 ml c(I2) = 1/128 碘酸碘 1/128 mol/l (1/64 N)
1.09910.0001 1set Iodine solution for 1000 ml c(I2) = 0,05 mol/l ( 碘溶液 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09964.0001 1set Nitric acid for 1 l c(HNO3) = 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) 硝酸0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09966.0001 1set Nitric acid for 1 l c(HNO3) = 1 mol/l (1 N) 硝酸1 mol/l (1 N)
1.09965.0001 1set Oxalic acid solution for 1 l c(C2H2O4) = 0,05 mo 草酸 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09932.0001 1set Oxalic acid solution for 1000 ml c(C2H2O4) = 0,00 草酸 0,005 mol/l(0,01 N)
1.09917.0001 1set Potassium iodate solution for 1000 ml c(KIO3) = 碘酸钾1/60 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09918.0001 1set Potassium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾1 mol/l (1 N)
1.09919.0001 1set Potassium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(KOH) 氢氧化钾0,5 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.09921.0001 1set Potassium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(KOH) = 氢氧化钾0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09925.0001 1set Potassium bromate solution for 1000 ml c(KBrO3) 溴酸钾 1/60 mol/l (0,1N)
1.09928.0001 1set Potassium dichromate solution for 1000 ml c(K2Cr2 重铬酸钾1/60 mol/l (0,1N)
1.09930.0001 1set Potassium permanganate solution for 1000 ml c(KMnO 高锰酸钾 0,002 mol/l(0,01 N)
1.09935.0001 1set Potassium permanganate solution for 1000 ml c(KMnO 高锰酸钾 0,02 mol/l(0,1N)
1.09990.0001 1set Silver nitrate solution for 1000 ml c(AgNO3) = 0, 硝酸银 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09940.0001 1set Sodium carbonate solution for 1000 ml c(Na2CO3) = 碳酸钠0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09945.0001 1set Sodium chloride solution for 1000 ml c(NaCl) = 氯化钠0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09909.0001 1set Sodium thiosulfate solution for 1000 ml c(Na2S2O 硫代硫酸钠 0,01 mol/l (0,01 N)
1.09913.0001 1set Sodium hydroxide for the preparation of dilute vo 氢氧化钠 5 mol/l (5 N)
1.09956.0001 1set Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(NaOH) = 氢氧化钠 1 mol/l (1 N)
1.09957.0001 1set Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(NaOH) = 氢氧化钠 0,5 mol/l (0,5 N)
1.09958.0001 1set Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(NaOH) = 0 氢氧化钠 0,25 mol/l (0,25 N)
1.09959.0001 1set Sodium hydroxide solution for 1000 ml c(NaOH) = 氢氧化钠 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09961.0001 1set Sodium hydroxide solution for 1 l c(NaOH) = 0,01 氢氧化钠 0,01 mol/l (0,01 N)
1.09950.0001 1set Sodium thiosulfate solution for 1000 ml c(Na2S2O3 硫代硫酸钠 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09912.0001 1set Sulfuric acid 1.000 L for the preparation of dilut 硫酸 2,5 mol/l (5 N)
1.09981.0001 1set Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml c(H2SO4) = 0,5 mol/l (1 硫酸 0,5 mol/l (1 N)
1.09982.0001 1set Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml c(H2SO4) = 0,005 mol/l 硫酸 0,005 mol/l (0,01 N)
1.09984.0001 1set Sulfuric acid for 1000 ml c(H2SO4) = 0,05 mol/l 硫酸 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N)
1.09992.0001 1set Titriplex(r) III solution for 1000 ml c(Na2-EDTA EDTA二钠0,1 mol/l
1.08446.0001 1set Titriplex(r) III solution for 1000 ml c(Na2-EDTA EDTA二钠0,01 mol/l
1.09894.0001 1set Titriplex(r) solution A for 1 l, 1 ml = 56 mg CaO Titriplex溶液A(碱土金属检测) 1 ml = 56 mg CaO/l
1.09895.0025 1set Titriplex(r) solution B for 1 l, 1 ml = 10 mg CaO/ Titriplex溶液A(碱土金属检测) 1 ml = 10 mg CaO/l
1.09991.0001 1set Zinc sulfate solution for 1000 ml c(ZnSO4) = 0,1 硫酸锌0,1 mol/l (0,1 M)
1.09895.0025 1set Titriplex(r) solution B for 1 l, 1 ml = 10 mg CaO/ Titriplex溶液A(碱土金属检测) 1 ml = 10 mg CaO/l
1.09991.0001 1set Zinc sulfate solution for 1000 ml c(ZnSO4) = 0,1 硫酸锌0,1 mol/l (0,1 M)

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